NMCCC Worship ~ March 29, 2020 (2 parts)

Luke 9:10-17.....The Crowd followed Jesus and was 'satisfied' - how did they do it? - three lessons with three blessings:

#3 - Let Jesus work - God has the situation - take the time given us to breath and reconnect with Jesus.  He can bring us a peace like no other - BLESSING: Rest

#2 - Give whatever we have to Jesus - no matter what we're holding on to, Jesus can use it.  When we give Jesus our skills & abilities, our possessions and more, Jesus can multiply it for God's glory! - BLESSING: Abundance

#1 - Stay close to Jesus - this is a time (it's ALWAYS the time) to get close to Jesus and be aware of all of the ways Jesus is working in our life.  Share the good things God is doing and give God the praise!  BLESSING: Healing